Does Cockroach Have Milk?

Most cockroaches do not produce milk, but the Pacific Beetle Roach gives birth to live young inside its body. Their milk contains a protein crystal that is four times as nutritious as cow’s milk. Scientists hope that the discovery will help feed the world’s growing population. Until now, no one has thought of using cockroach milk as a food source. However, their milk could potentially serve as the basis for a new drug.

The process of harvesting the milk from a cockroach is extremely labor intensive. In order to extract the milk, scientists have to cut open the cockroach’s midgut using a scalpel. The result is a crystal-like substance that would need to be processed by one person for a half-day.

Cockroach milk contains all the essential amino acids, and because of its crystallized structure, it is very nutritious. It is also rich in protein and amino acids, making it potentially beneficial for human health. Scientists believe that the milk may be of great use to people who want a dairy-free alternative. However, it is unlikely to hit the shelves of supermarkets anytime soon. However, cockroach milk may be a viable option for many health-conscious people.

The milk from a cockroach has all nine essential amino acids, which are the building blocks of protein. In addition, it contains fats, iron, calcium, and zinc. Scientists believe that buffalo milk is the highest-calorie and protein-content milk on Earth, and while cockroach milk may be delicious and safe for human consumption, more research needs to be done to determine the nutritional value of cockroach milk.