Do You Get Cockroaches in Scotland?

Do you get cockroaches in Scotland? A recent report by the Royal Environmental Health Institute for Scotland (REHIS) has warned of a potential pandemic. In response, the Scottish government has given environmental protection officers greater powers to deal with cockroach infestations. Nevertheless, there are many ways to avoid catching a cockroach infestation.

During the day, cockroaches spend most of their time in dark areas and are usually nocturnal. This means that the early stages of an infestation can go unnoticed for a while. Moreover, cockroaches produce an aggregation pheromone that attracts other cockroaches.

The main species of cockroaches that live in Scotland are the Oriental cockroach and the German cockroach. These two species of cockroaches are very common in Scotland and are known for their high tolerance to cold. Unlike other countries of the UK, Northern Ireland is not very prone to cockroach infestations. There are no native cockroach species in Northern Ireland, so there are very few infestations there. However, a few invasive species can be present in the country.

As cockroaches love dark and secluded places, keeping your property free of clutter is an excellent way to prevent an infestation. You can also seal off any gaps or crevices that can be a cockroach’s entryway. This includes gaps between tiles or utility entry holes. If these gaps are larger, you can use steel wool or insulation foam to fill them.