Do I Have a Cockroach Phobia?

If you have a cockroach phobia, there are a few things you can do to help yourself overcome it. You can visit a doctor who can help you get over your fear or look for a self-help group that will provide you with a supportive environment. The group is made up of people who have the same problem as you, and you can easily find one online or through your doctor. If you find that these methods don’t work, you can also consider therapy.

The cause of cockroach fear is not yet fully understood, but it may have to do with genetics and environment. People with a family history of mental illnesses or anxiety disorders are at greater risk of developing a cockroach phobia. Those who are allergic to cockroaches may have a genetic predisposition towards this condition.

Cockroaches are also very social animals and love to touch. If they do not get company, they become sick or lose their reproductive abilities. If they feel they are the only ones around, they will try to feed on their housemates. They will also feed on book bindings and finger cuticles. Cockroaches will turn on you when they feel a threat.

Psychologists in Spain studied the effects of cockroach phobia on the participants. Those who had this phobia were asked to wear a helmet with a camera and a monitor. In addition, they were asked to keep the helmet on until their anxiety decreased. Their subjective discomfort was measured using an eight-point Likert scale.