Do Cockroaches Taste Like Lobster?

Cockroaches and lobsters are closely related in appearance, but they are different species. Although they are both crustaceans, lobsters are marine creatures while cockroaches are terrestrial insects. While they are both edible, their flavor profiles are very different. Cockroaches have been described as tasting like shrimp, mushroom, squid, and even a metallic taste.

The difference between the two species of cockroaches and lobsters lies in the way they’re segmented. Cockroaches are segmented all the way through, from the antennae to the legs. However, lobsters have a highly segmented leg structure, with 21 segments. In other words, if cockroaches have blue cheese-like innards, they must be similar to lobster.

Although cockroaches are generally considered dirty and gross, many cultures around the world eat them. They are rich in protein and low in fat, making them an ideal food source. When cooked properly, cockroaches have a delicious and almost nutty taste. Just be sure to cook them in a low-heat environment for at least 20 minutes, until the shell turns red.

Cockroaches and lobsters are closely related, although the two are very different creatures. Both share a common ancestor and have evolved over millions of years in slightly different ways.