Do Cockroaches Live in High Rise Buildings?

The answer to the question, “Do cockroaches live in high rise buildings?” is not as straightforward as it sounds. It depends on the building, the type of cockroaches, and the maintenance staff. Some roaches will live on the ground floor while others will prefer the higher floors. In either case, extermination is necessary to keep the population low. Besides cockroaches, spiders and other arthropods may also live in high-rise apartments.

One of the most common reasons for cockroaches to reside in high rises is poor sanitation. If there is food left out, it will be easily accessible to roaches. Similarly, pet food left out on the floor can also attract cockroaches. This is another reason for storing pet food away from the kitchen. Moisture leaks can also contribute to cockroach problems in apartment buildings. Cockroaches like standing water because it provides them with food and water.

Another reason why cockroaches can live in high rises is their ability to travel up pipes. They can enter condos through tiny gaps in plumbing and stairs. You can help control the population of cockroaches by properly cleaning up spilled food and storing food in airtight containers. Avoid storing food in plastic bags because roaches can chew through them.

German cockroaches are among the most common cockroaches found in apartment buildings. They are a light brown color with darker markings on their heads. These insects can grow up to 5/8″ long and can live in wall voids. They can be difficult to eliminate.