Do Cockroaches Have Brains?

A cockroach’s brain is actually composed of three distinct parts: a protocerebrum (PC), a deuterocerebrum (DC), and a tritocerebrum (TC). The PC portion of the brain processes information from the eyes and antennae. The DC portion processes information from the sense of touch, while the TC portion is more likely to be used for tasting food. However, the roach’s brain is not required to control breathing or blood flow. This is because the cockroach lacks a head. Nevertheless, scientists have observed that the roaches do have long-term memory.

The main brain of a cockroach consists of several clusters of neurons. These clusters of neurons are connected to one another through a ventral nerve cord. The nerve cords are responsible for controlling the various functions of the body, such as feeding and reproduction. The cockroach does not have a heart or a liver, but it does have a central complex and a subesophageal zone.

Another way that cockroaches can communicate with one another is by using pheromones. They are able to distinguish between light and dark with the use of this sensory system. They can also smell in stereo by using their antennas. A typical cockroach’s antenna is made of 50 smaller segments that open in a line from head to abdomen.

The hemolymph of a cockroach is similar to that of human blood, though its color varies depending on the type of food it feeds on. It also oozes out when a cockroach loses a leg. However, in extreme cases, the hemolymph can cause a cockroach to “bleed to death”. This happens when a cockroach’s immune system is not strong enough and it contracts a bacterium which releases toxins into the body.