Can You Kill a Cockroach With Lysol?

One of the most common kitchen ingredients is Lysol. This disinfectant spray is used to kill bacteria, viruses, and fungi. Unfortunately, it is not effective against roaches, and may not reach every single one. Instead, try using an insecticide or over-the-counter pesticide. These are both more effective than Lysol, and can be used for a variety of purposes, including killing roaches.

Although Lysol kills many pests, it is not effective against all of them. Roaches have a thin coating of oils that protects their bodies. By spraying Lysol on their bodies, the solution will adhere to them and make them choke. Despite the fact that Lysol kills roaches when applied directly to their bodies, it will not kill them if they hide in a pipe or drain.

Lysol is a strong odor that a cockroach will avoid. This is a result of Lysol’s ability to cling to the roach’s body and block its openings. It is also effective against the eggs, as Lysol works by suffocating them. The alcohol in Lysol binds to the cockroach’s spiracles, rendering them useless.

While Lysol is an effective cockroach killer, you should not attempt to kill them yourself. It may take up to two weeks to completely eliminate them from a home. Moreover, the spray may not work on every roach, so it is best to seek the help of a professional pest control company to remove the infestation. Cockroaches tend to come out during the night and stay hidden during the day.