Can You Hold a Cockroach?

Cockroaches are one of the most common household pests. They live near garbage and drains and can carry a variety of bacteria. It is therefore important to avoid interacting with them. However, if you are unable to avoid cockroaches or you think you have seen a colony, you should call a pest control service. You can also do some preventative maintenance in your home, like going through your pantry to make sure all food items are stored in airtight containers.

When the weather is warm and dry, roaches will often find shelter in your home. However, if the weather is too wet, they may move outdoors. It is also possible for cockroaches to move from one place to another because they can fit through cracks that are as small as sixteen inches. It is also possible to find cockroaches in your home without an infestation, so you should always look out for potential sources of infestation.

Cockroaches are small insects that look like many other insects. They have a flat oval body, long antennae and six strong legs covered with spines. Unlike most other insects, they do not bite humans, but they can be dangerous if they are infected. The average cockroach is between a half-inch and two inches long.