Can Cockroaches Take Over the World?

Cockroaches are one of the most annoying pests in the world. They are a nuisance and can damage your property. But there are some measures you can take to prevent an infestation. You can start by eliminating the source of their food. When food is scarce, cockroaches will find other places to live and breed. If you don’t get rid of them quickly, they will continue to multiply.

Some experts believe that cockroaches are the only species that would survive nuclear war. In fact, they have survived 350 million years, so far. Some cockroaches have even evolved to become resistant to poisoning. In addition, they have an incredible ability to adapt to rapid change.

Cockroaches can live without a head for several weeks. They breathe through tiny holes in their body segments. They also do not need to drink water to survive. Their open circulatory system means they can breathe even without a head, but without food, they will die. Moreover, without water, they will not survive for more than a week. When food and water are scarce, they will begin to shed their weight. Their decapitated bodies will die faster than their body weight, as their cells will die faster. Also, their mitosis will slow by half, which means that they will die sooner than they would otherwise.

Some scientists believe that if humans go nuclear, cockroaches will be the first species to be left. In fact, cockroaches are more resistant to radiation than humans. But they would still fare worse than a fruit fly.