Can Cockroaches Eat Anything?

You may be wondering, “Can cockroaches eat anything?” The answer is a resounding “yes!” In fact, they are omnivores, meaning they will eat both plants and animals. Their favorite foods include starches and sugars, but they will also consume paper, cardboard, human hair, and even glue.

In addition to the foods they eat, cockroaches will feed on organic matter. They prefer decaying matter because it is readily available. In your home, they will dig through garbage, waste, and plants to find these items. Even soap and dried wood will make excellent roach food. You can’t blame roaches for finding this easy source of protein.

Another great source of food for cockroaches is meat and vegetable oils. Cockroaches also eat dead bodies and decaying matter. They’re omnivores, so they’ll feed on almost anything you don’t want them to touch. Cockroaches will even gnaw through calloused skin and fingernails. That’s because they’re omnivorous, and can adapt to their environment.

Cockroaches love food, and dog and cat food are two of their favorite foods. Make sure you feed your pets at least twice a day, and pick up any leftover food. Store pet food in airtight glass or plastic containers to avoid cockroaches’ access to it.