Can Cockroach Cause Typhoid?

Cockroaches can spread many diseases through their excrement and food. Some of these infections are life threatening and should be treated promptly. They can also cause allergies and asthma in some people. If you are allergic to cockroaches, consult a medical professional. There are many ways to treat the symptoms and get back to your normal life.

There are a number of antibiotics that can be used to treat cockroaches. However, there is a risk that cockroaches may be carrying bacteria that are resistant to them. This is due to the fact that cockroaches harbor a large variety of bacteria. Most of the bacteria isolated from cockroaches are Gram-positive and can be resistant to penicillin and other antibiotics.

Another way to treat cockroach-associated illnesses is to avoid cockroaches altogether. Cockroaches carry the bacterium known as Salmonella typhi, which causes typhoid fever. The bacteria are passed to humans through cockroach feces. The symptoms of typhoid fever include diarrhoea and abdominal pain. A headache and muscle ache are also common symptoms of this illness.

Cockroaches are notorious for spreading a wide range of harmful pathogens to humans. These bacteria stay in a cockroach’s digestive system for months and years, which can make them a reservoir for diseases. Cockroaches also excrete their droppings, which contaminate food and surfaces.