Can a Cockroach Survive a Nuclear Bomb?

A cockroach is a simple insect that can survive high levels of radiation. It can withstand radiation exposure that kills a human in just 10 minutes. The roach is able to withstand radiation exposure as a result of its slow cell cycle. Their cells divide only once every 48 hours. In addition, they molt only once a week. This means that a nuclear bomb blast would not kill 3/4 of a cockroach.

Roaches are difficult to eradicate. They are often feared and despised, and require maximum effort to get rid of. However, despite their hard-to-kill reputation, they are still a threat to human health. If you have an infestation of roaches in your home, consider calling a pest control company to help you get rid of them.

A nuclear bomb releases more than just radiation. It also emits high levels of heat. The Hiroshima bomb released about ten thousand rads into the air. This is more than enough to kill a human. However, a cockroach would not survive the radiation as long as a human would.

The answer to this question is surprisingly complex. Generally, cockroaches are less sensitive to radiation than humans, and their cell cycle is much slower. In addition, a cockroach’s survival depends on the size of the blast and its distance from ground zero.