Be Careful About What Cockroaches Are Attracted To, and How You Can Get Rid of Them
New Orleans has been called one of the worst cities for cockroaches, and it is no surprise why. The city’s humid and watery climate creates the perfect breeding ground for cockroaches. It’s also one of the hottest places in the United States, making it a haven for these pests. As a result, about 40% of residents there have come into contact with cockroaches at some point in their lives.
In addition to spreading diseases, cockroaches are also known to trigger allergic reactions and asthma. Their presence can cause skin rashes and sneezing, especially in the elderly and children. These pests are extremely harmful and should be avoided. So, you should be careful about what cockroaches are attracted to, and how you can get rid of them.
The Australian cockroach is one of the biggest pests in the home. It is nearly one-quarter inch long, and spends most of its time hiding. This species is common throughout the world, and its colonies can be found in tree trunks, piles of wood, and damp areas.
Cockroaches are notorious for their ability to transmit bacteria to humans. Unlike spiders, they are unable to bite humans. However, they can scratch your skin and spread bacteria.