Are Cockroaches Bad For Cats?

Although cockroaches aren’t generally harmful to cats, they can be a nuisance for cat owners. Cats have a high prey drive and will occasionally eat them. The cockroach’s exoskeleton is tough and can cause irritation to the cat’s digestive system. It’s also difficult to get rid of cockroaches completely. Cat owners may opt for professional extermination services.

Cats are very playful animals. When a cockroach comes to your home, your cat will most likely play with it and bring it home. It’s part of their natural hunting behavior. If you see your cat playing with dead cockroaches in your house, don’t panic. It’s likely just a fun game!

Cockroaches can also irritate the mouth of your cat. The flexible and tough exoskeleton can cause irritation and swelling in the mouth. Your cat may also experience diarrhea or vomiting if it ingests a cockroach. If your cat ingests a cockroach, you should get it to a veterinarian for proper treatment.

Although cats love roaches, they are not recommended for feeding them to your pet. They can be unsanitary and harbour many harmful diseases. However, they are great sources of protein and B12 for your cat. A healthy diet for your cat will ensure that they get all the nutrients they need.