Whether you live in Japan or in other parts of the world, you’ve probably wondered, “Can I eat wasps?” Wasps are a part of the same family as bees and…Continue readingCan You Eat Wasps?
Depending on the species, wasps can be very aggressive. They will chase people away from their nest. They also may sting if you are too close. Wasps are predators and…Continue readingCan Wasps Be Friendly?
Whether you’re in need of a simple wasp trap or an all-out wasp killer, there are plenty of ways to eliminate the nuisance of these insects. Luckily, most of these…Continue readingWhat Can I Use to Kill Wasps?
Despite the reputation of wasps as killers, they actually rarely kill humans. Instead, they sting to protect their nests. Wasps will attack humans if they feel threatened. But a few…Continue readingCan Wasps Kill You?
Until recently, it was thought that insects like wasps did not have brains. However, a growing body of research suggests that insects do indeed have brains. Insects are one of…Continue readingDo Wasps Have Brains?
Unlike many other insects, wasps lack ears. However, they do have a special organ to detect vibrations. This organ is called the Johnston’s organ. The structure of the organ is…Continue readingDid You Know That Wasps Do Not Have Ears?
Despite the name, honeycomb is not the same thing as wasp nests. The latter is an enclosed paper-like structure that wasps construct to house young. Wasps are classified in the…Continue readingDid You Know Wasps Make Honeycomb?
Whether you are a homeowner or a commercial property owner, you may wonder, do wasps release pheromones when killed? Pheromones are chemical signals that are released by certain insects, which…Continue readingDo Wasps Release Pheromones When Killed?
During the colder months of the year, you may wonder what temperature kills wasps. This is a question that can be asked with varying degrees of accuracy, since the answer…Continue readingWhat Temperature Kills Wasps?
Depending on the type of wasp, they can eat a wide variety of insects. Wasps are also known to consume plant matter and decomposing meat. They can also feed on…Continue readingHow Do Wasps Eat Insects?
During the summer, red wasps live a normal life, but in the fall they are no longer able to keep their nests active. A colony can grow to several thousand…Continue readingHow Long Do Red Wasps Live?
During the spring, wasps can make their homes in your home. They can build nests of paper, wood, or mud. They are also found in tree tops and porches. These…Continue readingHow Many Wasps Live in a Nest?
Whether or not you should kill wasps is a personal decision. While many people consider wasps a nuisance, they also provide a valuable service by killing insects. Unlike bees, wasps…Continue readingIs It Bad to Kill Wasps?
During the winter, the paper wasps go into a slumber. These insects are known for the paper-like nests they build, which are made of plant fibers and saliva. They are…Continue readingWhere Do Paper Wasps Go in the Winter?
Seeing wasps building nests around your house might be a little odd. But wasps are social insects, meaning they want to be around other wasps. The nests are usually constructed…Continue readingWhy Do Wasps Make Nests?
Getting rid of wasps can be a challenge. They can be extremely dangerous. They will sting you if they get too close. If you have a problem with wasps, there…Continue readingWill Ant Spray Kill Wasps?
Among the many critters that plague our yards, wasps are often feared. They’re a voracious predator, feeding on a wide variety of pest insects. They’re also natural biocontrol for crops.…Continue readingDo Wasps Do Anything Good?
Those who have a history of bee or wasp allergies should avoid the nests and stings of these insects. The venom of wasps can cause a severe allergic reaction. This…Continue readingDo Wasps Have Poison?
Among the common nuisances of the yard are carpenter bees. These insects are solitary creatures, which means that they don’t live in colonies. Instead, they are known to nest in…Continue readingHow Do Wasps Kill Carpenter Bees?
Depending on what type of wasp you are dealing with, the size of a queen wasp can vary from 0.64cm to almost two centimeters. But it isn’t just size that…Continue readingHow Big Are Queen Wasps?