It’s easy to think that spiders are bad pets because they eat frogs. But a new study suggests that spiders and frogs may have a mutualistic relationship. The researchers studied…Continue readingDo Spiders Really Keep Frogs As Pets?
A conker is a seed from the Horse Chestnut tree. The horse chestnut has been planted in the UK since the sixteenth century. The seeds contain saponin, a substance that…Continue readingDo Spiders Really Not Like Conkers?
Spiders do not raise their babies. However, some species do provide for their young. For example, female wolf spiders lay hundreds of eggs and carry them in a circular egg…Continue readingDo Spiders Raise Their Babies?
It’s not surprising that spiders are a little mammalian. They have long been known to regurgitate a liquid that looks like milk, and to care for their young. But are…Continue readingHow Do Spiders Rake Their Young?
Spiders have a wide variety of self-defense mechanisms. Their body postures and gestures can communicate danger. The most obvious defensive strategy is raising their abdomens to the sky. They are…Continue readingWhy Do Spiders Raise Their Abdominals to the Sky?
If you’ve noticed a rash of baby spiders appearing in your home, you may be wondering why they keep popping up. It’s possible that there are just a few newborn…Continue readingWhy Do Baby Spiders Keep Appearing?
Many people have a fear of spiders. They don’t seem very friendly and can be rather venomous. However, some people like to look at them. These creatures are carnivorous, and…Continue readingHow Do Spiders Love Their Babies?
Keeping your houseplants inside can be a big problem if spiders are invading the plant. If you notice that your plants are losing leaves, you should look for the signs…Continue readingHow Do Spiders Ruin Plants?
Spiders do not eat blood. They suck juices from insects and other animals. However, many scientists think they are miniature vampires. They like to kill mosquitoes that carry malaria. To…Continue readingDo Spiders Like Blood?
When we hear about spiders, we usually think of them as harmless. However, there are a number of species that can be dangerous, especially if they bite you. The venom…Continue readingDo Spiders Have Black Blood?
Spiders are fascinating creatures. They are highly mobile and have up to eight legs. They have a variety of functions, including weaving a web to trap prey and to protect…Continue readingHow Do Spiders Take Down Their Webs?
The question of whether spiders take care of their babies is a difficult one to answer. There are many different species of spiders, and their behavior varies greatly. Some will…Continue readingDo Spiders Take Care of Their Babies?
Are spiders affected by falls? Some species of spiders are able to float in the air, while others are not. Some species even have webs as balloons that they use…Continue readingDo Spiders Take Fall Damage?
If you find spiders in the bath, you are not alone. They are common in bathrooms and can bite you when they feel threatened. However, most are not venomous. You…Continue readingHow to Get Rid of Spiders in the Bath
If you’re wondering how spiders handle fall damage, you’re not alone. Unlike humans, they do not have a built-in defense against falling, nor do they have a mechanism for jumping…Continue readingHow Spiders Take Fall Damage
If you’re wondering whether spiders taste like shrimp, then you’re not alone. Several cultures around the world eat bugs and insects as a food staple. In Cambodia, for example, fried…Continue readingDo Spiders Taste Like Shrimp?
In Skuon, Cambodia, people can buy tarantulas for eating. This is a long-held tradition. The practice is said to have begun during the Khmer Rouge regime. The spiders are deep-fried,…Continue readingWhere Do Spiders Taste Food?
Spiders have eight legs, but they don’t have a mouth or taste buds. Instead, they use a combination of their senses to find and track prey. Their eyes, ears, and…Continue readingDo Spiders Have Taste Buds?