Spiders can live to be up to two decades in captivity. But what happens when they die? They die and fall onto their backs. This is known as rigor mortis.…Continue readingWhy Do Spiders Die on Their Own?
Spiders do not have gills. However, they have a unique respiratory system, which they use to get oxygen. A spider’s respiration occurs by passive diffusion. This involves the spider’s tracheae…Continue readingHow Do Spiders Breathe?
If you are looking to get a pet spider, there are a few things you should know. One of the first things is the fact that they need a certain…Continue readingDo Spiders Need Heat Lamps?
Spiders are known to be attracted to light. They know that insects will flock to light sources so they will build webs near these sources. However, they do not always…Continue readingHow Do Spiders Use Light?
Spider reproduction is a complex process. Each spider species has a unique method of mating. This involves many different behavioural techniques. Most species have solitary lives. Their reproductive effort is…Continue readingDo Spiders Need a Male to Reproduce?
Spiders breathe through their trachea and lungs. Most arachnids have at least one pair of book lungs and some have two. The book lungs are the most important for gas…Continue readingHow Do Spiders Breathe?
If you’ve ever wondered, “Do spiders need heat?” or “Is my house hot enough for spiders?” you’re not alone. In fact, there are tens of thousands of different species of…Continue readingDo Spiders Need Heat?
If you think spiders release pheromones when killed, you may be wrong. Although some species do, others do not. The reason behind this is unclear. One possibility is that these…Continue readingDo Spiders Release Pheromones When Killed?
When you see a spider in your house or garden, you probably wonder how they release pheromones. While it’s true that certain species of spiders do give off pheromones when…Continue readingHow Do Spiders Release Pheromones?
There are many species of spiders. Some species live underground while others are found in the trees and shrubs. Most spiders build elaborate sacs of thick silk. Some species hide…Continue readingHow Do Spiders Release Eggs When Squashed?
Spiders create webs to entrap their prey. Their webs are constructed from sticky silk, and are designed to trap prey as they pass through. However, not all spiders use their…Continue readingHow Do Spiders Release Webs?
Spiders do not breathe in the same way that humans do. Spiders use spiracles to breathe, and do not actively pump air into their lungs. Instead, oxygen is carried through…Continue readingDo Spiders Require Oxygen?
Spiders breathe through a number of different mechanisms. Some spiders have an aquatic lung, which allows them to stay submerged for long periods of time. Others have gills, which extract…Continue readingHow Do Spiders Need Oxygen to Live?
Spiders have a respiratory system similar to that of humans. While spiders require less oxygen than we do, they are capable of going days or even weeks without breathing. The…Continue readingRespiratory System of Spiders
Spiders are creatures of the ocean. They can breathe underwater through passive diffusion or through underwater webs. However, they cannot hold their breath. In some species, a spider can stay…Continue readingCan Spiders Survive Without Oxygen?