You might be wondering, “Do flies lay maggots when they’re dead?” This is a legitimate question. Flies go through three different stages during their life cycle. First, they are larvae…Continue readingDo Flies Lay Maggots When They’re Dead?
If you have an infestation of flies, you should take steps to get rid of them. Flies can lay eggs in your garbage, including meat and vegetable scraps. This can…Continue readingHow Dead Flies Turn Into Maggots
Pine Sol is a popular fly repellent, and its strong smell can be unpleasant for humans. However, if used properly, it can repel flies with minimal side effects. Depending on…Continue readingDo Flies Really Hate Pine Sol?
Flies poop after they have eaten food. Their feces is a rich source of bacteria, protein, fats, and indigestible carbohydrates. It also contains trace amounts of minerals and other nutrients.…Continue readingDo Flies Really Poop When They Land?
Flies have a different way of perceiving time than humans do. They perceive time as being slower than human time due to their metabolism and small size. For example, the…Continue readingHow Do Flies Really See in Slow Motion?
If you have ever been bitten by a fly, you might be wondering why they bite. While they may look harmless, they’re actually blood-sucking stingers. You can avoid these flies…Continue readingWhy Do Flies Really Bite?
If you’ve ever watched a fly landing on your sandwich, you might be wondering, “Do flies really puke when they land?” This is not a surprising question, as many species…Continue readingDo Flies Really Puke When They Land?
The question, “Do flies really vomit when they land?” can seem rather obnoxious to us, but the reality is very different. It’s likely that the fly is simply airing out…Continue readingDo Flies Really Vomit When They Land?
Flies are attracted to poop for a variety of reasons. Their dietary needs include large quantities of dead and living bacteria, indigestible carbohydrates and proteins, and minerals. These nutrients are…Continue readingDo Flies Really Eat Poop?
If you’ve ever wondered how flies take off backwards, this new study is sure to raise a few questions. The researchers at the Institute of Movement Science (ISM) at the…Continue readingHow Do Flies Really Take Off Backwards?
Flies raise their young in a unique way. Female flies lay eggs on food waste, carrion, and feces. The eggs are about 0.05 inches long, white, and hatch within eight…Continue readingHow Do Flies Rake Their Young?
Flies are a nuisance and they can make your home uncomfortable. Summer is the peak breeding season for insects, which means you may notice flies around your house sooner than…Continue readingWhy Do Flies So Suddenly Appear?
Most insects do not grow in the physical sense until they reach their last instar. Then, they may increase in mass. However, when they reach this stage, they will never…Continue readingWhy Do Flies Get Bigger As They Age?
While flies can be annoying, they are not a major problem in most cases. Flies are attracted to poorly cared for plants and feed on them. They can harm plants…Continue readingHow Do Flies Ruin Plants?
Flies are a nuisance to many people, but how do they ruin food? Flying insects carry disease-causing germs on their legs and small hairs, so they can spread these germs…Continue readingHow Do Flies Ruin Food?
It is difficult to catch flies, and one of the main reasons they don’t just fly away is because they have erratic flight patterns. Flies tend to circle around a…Continue readingHow Do Flies Stay in the Same Area?
Insects have a very unique system to detect direction and orientation in the dark. Instead of relying on a vestibular system, they use a mechanism that involves a series of…Continue readingHow Do Insects Stay Still in the Dark?
House flies do not have mouthparts to chew food. Instead, they regurgitate digestive juices onto solid food, breaking it down into small pieces. They also use their proboscis to drink…Continue readingHow Do Houseflies Stay in Families?
House flies are attracted to humans by several factors, including carbon dioxide, sweat, and salt. They are also attracted to dead skin and open wounds. House flies do not suck…Continue readingHow Long Do House Flies Stay in One Area?