Scientists have developed a new model of epilepsy in the drosophila fruit fly that provides insights into the mechanisms underlying temperature-dependent seizures. The findings are a step forward in the…Continue readingEpilepsy in the Drosophila Fruit Fly
When you find fruit flies in your house, you may be wondering what causes them. These flies are tiny, and they are extremely difficult to spot. They will often return…Continue readingWhat Causes Fruit Flies Without Fruit?
Sulfur is a natural insecticide and is used in hundreds of commercial insecticides. It works by killing insects by interrupting their energy function. It can also be used as a…Continue readingWill Sulfur Keep Flies Away?
When it comes to mosquito control, you may want to try the natural method of killing mosquitoes. While this will not completely eradicate the problem, it will help keep the…Continue readingHow Do Flies Kill Mosquitoes?
Mosquito coils are used by millions of people around the world to prevent mosquito bites. They release a chemical mist into the air, which confuses the insect’s sense of smell.…Continue readingDo Mosquito Coils Work on Flies?
When deciding how fast flies reproduce, you must consider the food source. Fruit flies, for example, prefer bananas, tomatoes, squash, and apples. An adult female can lay up to 2,000…Continue readingHow Fast Flies Reproduce
In its early years, how a hot air balloon flies was a mystery to many people. Though the idea of flight by air is not new, it was not until…Continue readingHow a Hot Air Balloon Flies
Flies can survive the coldest months of the year by living in protected habitats. However, when temperatures dip below 45degF or 7degC, they enter a process known as diapause, in…Continue readingHow Long Do Flies Live in the Cold?
Crane flies are an important ecological creature that plays an important role in the decomposition of organic matter. They enrich soil and enhance habitats. They are beneficial to humans and…Continue readingWhat Do Crane Flies Eat?
If you’ve ever wondered how many flies are in a nest, the answer might surprise you. These little creatures can lay hundreds of eggs, each of which will develop into…Continue readingHow Many Flies Are in a Nest?
Although drain flies can be a nuisance, they are not harmful to your home. They do not bite like mosquitoes and do not cause damage like carpenter ants and termites.…Continue readingIs Drain Flies Harmful to Your Home?
When you notice a fly that has red eyes, you may wonder what the problem is. Fruit flies are a common pest problem in homes. They are attracted to fresh…Continue readingWhat Flies Have Red Eyes?
Using natural repellents is a great way to keep flies away. You can smear essential oils on window frames or in flowerbeds to keep flies at bay. Other essential oils…Continue readingWhat Do You Do to Get Rid of Flies?
WHAT FLIES WHEN IT IS BORN? It’s a simple rhyme, and it’s an excellent introduction to the world of insects. It is one of the oldest rhymes ever, and explains…Continue readingWhat Flies When It Is Born
If you have fruit flies in your home, you may be wondering where they lay their eggs. These bugs are quite small and lay hundreds to thousands of eggs per…Continue readingWhere Do Fruit Flies Lay Eggs?
If you’ve ever wondered where fruit flies come from, then you’re not alone. The Westborough resident and self-described “banana guy” Wayne Firstenberg has wondered the same thing. But he’s not…Continue readingWhere Do Fruit Flies Appear From?