During the colder months, many species of ants will go underground to survive. The ants may create large mounds of dirt to absorb radiant heat from the sun. Other ants…Continue readingHow Cold Can Ants Live?
During the winter, fire ants are less active. They go into a state called “diapause.” This is when they aren’t working. They aren’t moving, they aren’t eating, and they don’t…Continue readingHow Cold Can Fire Ants Survive?
During the winter, ants have to take special measures to protect themselves from the cold. They enter a dormant state, which reduces their risk of freezing. They can also freeze…Continue readingHow Cold Is Too Cold For Ants?
Generally speaking, ants have the ability to survive in temperatures as low as 40 degrees Celsius. But, they do have a “diapause” period in winter. At these temperatures, they become…Continue readingHow Cold Does It Need To Be To Kill Ants?
During times of dry, hot, and drought-like conditions, ants invade homes in search of food and water. These ants may come inside through pipes, cracks, or exterior holes. In addition…Continue readingHow Common Are Ants in the House?
Depending on the species, the average ant lifespan can range from a few weeks to several months. Other species have life spans of years. A colony’s lifespan depends on a…Continue readingHow Long Do Common Ants Live?
During the spring and summer months, flying ants leave their colonies and search for mates. They can be a nuisance and sometimes even cause damage to your home. This is…Continue readingHow Common Are Flying Ants?
Known as the world’s most painful stinging insect, bullet ants live in tropical rainforests of Central and South America. They have stings that are both painful and toxic. The Bullet…Continue readingHow Common Are Bullet Ants?
Compared to other ant colonies, queen ants are often larger. They have a bigger thorax and abdomen, as well as wings. Queen ants are primarily responsible for laying eggs. They…Continue readingHow Common Are Queen Ants?
Unlike mammal brains, the ant brain is tiny. Scientists estimate that the ant brain contains approximately 250,000 neurons. It is connected by a network of nerves to various organs. It…Continue readingHow Big is an Ants Brain?
Using super sticky silk lines, spiders are able to catch and eat their prey. This specialised behaviour has evolved over time. Spiders also design a variety of “silk tools” to…Continue readingHow Are Ants and Spiders Similar?
Termites and ants are both pests, but there are some differences in their appearance that will help you distinguish between the two. In general, termites are light-colored, rectangular in shape,…Continue readingHow Are Ants and Termites Different?
Keeping ants out of your room is one way to ensure a good night’s sleep. It is important to identify which type of ants you have so that you can…Continue readingHow Are Ants Getting in My Room?
Keeping your home clean is the best way to keep ants out. During the spring and summer months, ants are more likely to invade homes, seeking food and water. Ants…Continue readingHow Are Ants Getting in My House?
Among the most effective insects on Earth, ants also offer many benefits to the environment. Their social structure, food and habitats make them important members of ecological communities. They are…Continue readingHow Are Ants Beneficial to the Environment?
Having studied the social behavior of common garden ants, Nathalie Stroeymeyt, senior lecturer in the Department of Biology at the University of Bristol, has determined that ants are not immune…Continue readingHow Come Ants Never Get Sick?
Despite the fact that ants are very good at prevention, there are still questions as to how they manage to stay healthy. The answer to this question is quite simple:…Continue readingHow Come Ants Don’t Get Sick?
Thousands of years of evolution have gone into ants’ abilities to climb walls. These insects can walk upside down, use their claws to grip a wall, and use sticky pads…Continue readingHow Come Ants Can Climb Walls?