Why Do Bed Bugs Itch?

Bedbug bites itch for about twenty-one days after they occur. Keeping lights on does not prevent these bugs from biting, though. This itching is a reaction to their bites and should be treated immediately to avoid infection. Despite the discomfort, bedbug bites can be easily treated at home. You can apply baking soda paste to the affected area and apply Benadryl to alleviate the itching.

The bites of bedbugs are usually very small. They are approximately the size of a grain of apple seed or a lentil. Their tiny bodies allow them to sneak up on you while you’re resting, sleeping, or working. Despite their small size, these bugs can be extremely annoying.

Bedbug bites will cause itchy red bumps, typically less than half an inch (12 mm) in diameter. They may also be larger. While most bedbug bites are harmless, a severe allergic reaction may lead to severe skin rash, which must be treated with an antihistamine. If your reaction is serious, you should seek medical attention. You might have difficulty breathing, a rapid heartbeat, a swollen tongue, or blisters on your skin.

Fortunately, bedbugs usually only bite at night and feed for up to three or ten minutes. They then crawl back to their hiding spots. The first few bites are painless, but as they continue to feed, they will become painful and irritating to the skin. Interestingly, many people mistake these bugs for mosquito bites, and the symptoms are similar.

Our top picks for getting rid of bed bugs

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your bed bug infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!