Where Can You Pick Up Bed Bugs?
If you suspect that your bed is infested with bed bugs, you should always remain in your bed to avoid bringing them into other areas of the house. In some cases, bed bugs can migrate to neighboring rooms looking for a meal. You should collect any suspected bed bug specimens and keep them in sealed containers. For example, you can place them in a plastic pill bottle or zip-lock bag containing rubbing alcohol. Then, tape them to a piece of white paper to prevent them from moving.
Bed bugs can also be difficult to detect, especially at night, when they come out to feed. However, you can tell if there is an infestation by looking for dark fecal spots on your sheets and other fabrics. Additionally, they will leave shed skins in cracks and crevices of bed frames and furniture. These bugs can easily hide behind pictures, artwork, and even your bed skirt.
Another place to look out for bedbugs is on the floor. Shoes are a popular hiding place for these insects. If you buy or borrow used shoes, you may be bringing home bedbugs. Similarly, used furniture outlets can be places where bedbugs are found. The best way to protect yourself from bringing these bugs home is to keep them out of the home, and to wear clean clothing.
Bedbugs can be found virtually anywhere, including beds, headboards, mattresses, and couches. They can also be found in walls, curtains, and furniture joints. If you’re not sure whether you’re home to bedbugs, contact a pest control company right away to inspect the premises for signs of infestation.