What Can You Eat So Bed Bugs Won’t Bite You?

There are several foods you can eat that will help keep bed bugs away. First, tomatoes and bananas are rich in nutrients and can help prevent bedbugs from biting you. In addition to being delicious, tomatoes contain a powerful insect repellent called thiamine. These foods are also beneficial for treating bedbug bites. You can apply tomato products to the affected area or eat them. Apple cider vinegar is another great bed bug repellent. It changes the odor of the human body and makes it less attractive to bedbugs.

Bedbugs have various senses to help them find you. They are attracted to heat and smell carbon dioxide. Luckily, humans and other animals release more carbon dioxide than they take in. This means that the air surrounding them is a bit higher in carbon dioxide and lower in oxygen. The smell from rotting meat is another sign that bedbugs are lurking in your home.

Bedbugs feed by penetrating the skin of humans at night. Their mouthparts are long and elongated and contain four stylets, which they fold under their bodies when they are resting. When they feed, they fully extend their stylets. Their mouthpart has two canals – the small salivary canal and the larger food canal. The smaller canal carries saliva into the wound, while the larger food canal takes in body fluids.

Luckily, there are several methods for killing bed bugs without the need for professional treatment. The first is to prevent them from accessing you. By eliminating their hiding places, you will make it harder for them to find you and feed. You can also try using a steamer to help you get rid of them.

Our top picks for getting rid of bed bugs

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your bed bug infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!