How Quickly Can Bed Bugs Reproduce?

There are several ways in which bed bugs can spread and reproduce. The best way to prevent a major infestation is to identify infested items as soon as possible. Bedbugs can spread throughout the home, moving from one item to another if you do not remove them right away. They can also migrate across the house looking for a new host.

Female bedbugs will often leave their original harborage to lay eggs. This way, they avoid mating again. The eggs they lay will help a new infestation. Female bedbugs are not interested in living on humans, but they are attracted to a human’s skin and carbon dioxide.

The life cycle of a bed bug consists of five stages. The first is the nymph stage. It is the first stage of the life cycle, which is about two weeks long. It will lay an average of 100 eggs in her first month. The second stage is slightly larger, but fewer than one hundred eggs are produced. By the end of month three, the population will consist of 100 breeding adults and 500 eggs. During the third month, the bugs will begin to invade other areas of the home. Within six months, the population will be in every room of the house.

If you see the eggs of a bed bug in your home, you should immediately contact a pest control professional. The temperature of your home also plays a major role in how quickly bed bugs reproduce. At 72 degrees Fahrenheit, bedbug eggs hatch in approximately 10 days. During this time, the larvae grow and develop into adult bed bugs. If you do not treat the problem right away, the infestation will spread quickly.

Our top picks for getting rid of bed bugs

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your bed bug infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!