How Much Does Treating Bed Bugs Cost?

The cost of treating bedbug infestations can vary greatly depending on the methods used to eliminate the problem. Some homes require more invasive procedures while others only need a single treatment. Costs can also be affected by whether you prefer to use chemical or non-toxic solutions. Some companies offer free follow-up treatments and free inspections for the initial treatment.

Chemical treatments for bedbugs involve the use of pesticides or insecticides to kill the bedbugs in your home. The most common chemicals are pyrethroids and neonicotinoids, which disrupt the nervous system of the bugs. Foggers and bug bombs are other methods that are effective at killing bedbugs, though they can be toxic to humans. The cost of chemical treatments for bedbug infestations can range from $2 to $4 per square foot.

Another method of treating bedbug infestations is ice. Ice-cold carbon dioxide “snow” is a safe method of killing bedbugs without leaving a chemical residue. While this method isn’t as effective as heat-based methods, it can kill bedbugs quickly and effectively. However, it is not a permanent solution, and repeat treatments may be required, which can be costly.

For a single-room infestation, chemical treatments can eliminate bedbugs in about four hours. But if you have more than one bedroom infected, you may need to hire a professional bed bug exterminator. This service can be costly, and if you’re having trouble paying for it, you can consider investing in equipment to do it yourself. But make sure you understand the cost range before you start a program.

Our top picks for getting rid of bed bugs

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your bed bug infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!