How Cold Do Bed Bugs Die at Night?

There are a variety of ways to kill bedbugs. You can use boiling water, which will kill the bugs within a few hours, or you can use freezing carbon dioxide sprays. In either case, you should keep your house at a temperature that is above freezing for at least 24 hours.

Bedbugs can survive a colder temperature for longer than you might expect. In fact, they can survive temperatures as low as -4 degrees Fahrenheit. This is not sufficient to kill them, but it can greatly slow their reproductive cycle and help keep your bedbug infestation from getting out of control. The cold temperature is only effective if the infestation is caught in time. If you suspect an infestation, you can use Terminix RapidFreeze treatment to kill the bugs instantly.

Although bed bugs can survive cold temperatures, they tend to prefer a warm climate. In fact, studies have shown that bedbugs can survive temperatures below zero for four days. Female adults are better adapted to cold temperatures than males, and it has been proven that female bed bugs are more resistant to cold temperatures than males.

Adding a layer of plastic to your furniture can kill the bed bugs, but this isn’t an effective method if the bugs are still alive. The cold will make the bugs escape and spread to other areas of your home. This can also cause dampness and damage your possessions. If you don’t have the money to remove the infestation, you could leave them outside during the colder seasons. If you’re worried about damage to your valuable items, you can place them in plastic bags and leave them outside in the colder months.

Our top picks for getting rid of bed bugs

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your bed bug infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!