How Cold Can Kill Bed Bugs?

Before treating your house for bed bugs, you need to prepare your home. Firstly, you need to remove all flammable items from your home, such as flammable liquids. Also, remove any shoes, books, framed pictures, toys, and other items that are infested with bed bugs. In addition, make sure to inspect items that you bring inside the house from outside, as they may contain eggs.

Cold temperature can be a powerful tool to combat bed bugs. Unlike bears, bed bugs do not hibernate, but they will enter a “diapause” state when the temperature drops below 46 degrees Fahrenheit. If they reach this state, they will not feed for several months. The cold temperatures will also cause them to reproduce more slowly, which will lead to less bed bug activity.

You can try freezing the infected areas of your home with a freezing solution. This will prevent the bugs from repopulating and may even prevent them from reproducing in the first place. Another method to kill bed bugs is to dry clean the infected items. These methods can be effective in all stages of the infestation. Solar options can also be used to kill the bugs, but these methods require a higher degree of heat than the natural sun can give you.

A bedbug elimination chart shows which temperatures are required to kill bed bugs. Keeping room temperature between 60 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit will kill adult bed bugs in about four days, while temperatures below -13 degrees will kill the insects in less than an hour.

Our top picks for getting rid of bed bugs

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your bed bug infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!