How Can I Kill Bed Bugs For Good?

You can kill bedbugs by following a few steps. First of all, make sure to treat every room in your house, from the carpet to the furniture. Do not forget to treat your clothes as well. These items may contain bedbug eggs. You can purchase special traps for this purpose at The Home Depot.

Once you’ve identified the location of the bedbugs, you should treat them immediately. Usually bedbugs can be seen by the bites and welts on your body, as well as the blood stains on your sheets and other soft furnishings. Getting rid of these bugs is easy when you know what to look for. These bugs can hide in seams in your mattress and box spring, as well as cracks between the bed frame and furniture. You can also find their eggs in soft furnishings, such as cushions.

After identifying the location of bedbugs, you can use a baking soda-based product to get rid of them for good. Baking soda dehydrates bugs and sucks moisture out of their bodies. You can use this substance on all areas where you suspect bed bugs to be. After applying it, make sure to vacuum the area and repeat the procedure for a few days. Another effective product is rock salt. This is a natural mineral made from sedimentary rocks that has proven to be effective against a variety of bugs. If you apply this solution on the affected area, it will take up to 10 days for the bed bugs to die off.

Another method of eliminating bedbugs is to clean your clothes. Washing your clothes in hot water will kill the bedbugs. It is also important to remove all the clutter around the bed, as bedbugs can survive for up to a year without feeding. Then, keep your clean clothes in another room.

Our top picks for getting rid of bed bugs

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your bed bug infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!