Do Bed Bugs Cause Swelling?

Bedbugs bite humans and can cause swelling and itchiness. They can also cause hives, which are red bumps on the skin. These bumps usually have no visible bite mark in the center and may develop in clusters. Swelling and itchiness may be limited or severe, and the affected area will usually heal on its own in a few days or weeks.

For mild to moderate swelling, you can use a cold compress or apply a steroid cream. In severe cases, your doctor may prescribe antibiotics or corticosteroid injections. However, these medications may not be suitable for babies or young children. In addition, you should ask a health care professional about the treatment of bacterial skin infection and epinephrine or antihistamine injections.

If you experience intensely itchy or swollen bites, you should visit a doctor immediately. Some people develop severe allergic reactions to bedbug bites. These can lead to a number of medical issues, including asthma and even death. The best way to treat a bedbug bite is by washing the area thoroughly.

Although bedbug bites aren’t known to transmit diseases, the irritation from them can lead to an open wound, which can become infected if not treated quickly. Secondary complications may also develop. Swelling and itchiness should be treated immediately, and they should subside within a few days. However, bedbug phobia may linger for some time. Bedbugs can increase the likelihood of anxiety, stress, and insomnia.

Our top picks for getting rid of bed bugs

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your bed bug infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!