Do Bed Bugs Actually Exist?

Many people wonder, “Do bed bugs really exist?” Bedbugs are parasites of animals and people, and their bites can cause sleeplessness, anxiety, and secondary infections. The good news is that bedbugs are not able to transmit disease from person to person. While bedbugs do carry 27 different human pathogens, they do not multiply or reproduce in humans. Nevertheless, Canadian researchers have found the presence of MRSA in bedbugs. Although they can bite other animals, bedbugs prefer humans for their blood.

In order to prevent the spread of bedbugs, people should seal any cracks in their homes and apartments and inspect their furniture. They should also decontaminate their clothes and luggage. According to the founder of an extermination company, about 5% of hotel rooms are infested. For this reason, people should also inspect office chairs, airplane seats, and hotel mattresses. In addition, they should inspect their own bed at least once a month. This is important because bedbugs like dark places and can easily be concealed in cracks.

While pesticides have wiped out many species, the bedbugs have become resistant to these chemicals. However, these pests are still prevalent in homes and buildings. The population of these insects is increasing rapidly in the U.S., and their populations are increasing as a result of global travel and increased density in cities. Increasing pesticide resistance is another reason for their resurgence.

Our top picks for getting rid of bed bugs

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your bed bug infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!