Can Bed Bugs Travel Through Apartment Walls?

In some cases, bed bugs can travel through apartment walls to get into another unit. However, they can’t fly – they only crawl. That means that they can enter and exit your home without you even being aware. The best way to prevent this from happening is to make sure that all of your apartment walls are thoroughly checked.

Bed bugs can enter your apartment through the luggage of a previous tenant or from another apartment. They can also be introduced through used or recycled furniture. Once inside, they can easily travel through apartment walls and enter through electrical outlets, light switches, and any cracks. In addition, they can move through plumbing pipes.

Fortunately, there are several home remedies for bed bug infestations that will save you money and prevent the need for an expensive extermination. If you’re concerned that your home may have bed bugs, consider using tea tree oil on your mattresses, box springs, and walls. You can also try placing Raid around electrical outlets and under cracks in doors and windows. This pesticide is harmless to humans but is deadly to bed bugs.

Another effective way to get rid of bed bugs is to steam clean. A steam cleaner will remove most of the bugs and their eggs. You can also buy a powder pesticide to spray around the wall outlets. This will kill the bugs when they emerge and repel the traveling bed bugs. Another option for treating the walls is to use a vacuum cleaner to clean away the feces left behind by the pests.

Our top picks for getting rid of bed bugs

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your bed bug infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!