Can Bed Bugs Hurt Dogs?

Bed bugs are tiny insects that live on bedding. Their bites are red and itchy. Fortunately, these creatures are not known to transmit diseases, but the scratching and licking they inflict can result in secondary infections. To prevent infestations, keep your bed clean. Vacuum frequently and check bedding for bite marks or bedbug nests.

If you suspect a bed bug infestation, try to find out what caused it. Using a steamer or hot water can kill the bugs. Steam cleaners are another effective method. If you don’t have a steam cleaner, you can place a black plastic bag outside on a hot day.

Bedbugs are easy to detect because they feed on blood. If you notice red or brown stains on your dog’s bedding, then bedbugs are present. Another way to tell if you have bedbugs in your home is if your dog starts scratching excessively. Itching, nipping, and excessive scratching are all symptoms of bedbugs.

Bedbugs like to feed every few days. If left unchecked, they can live for months without a meal. During this time, they will look for a dark place to hide. In dogs, this can be the lining of their bed, or a small crack in their house. Even a small hole as big as a credit card can hold bedbugs. They will bite you when they need to feed, but if you don’t notice any unusual behavior, bedbugs are probably hiding in your pet’s bed.

Our top picks for getting rid of bed bugs

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your bed bug infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!