
Why Do Carpenter Ants Have Wings?

Seeing winged carpenter ants in your house can be a sign of an ant nest. These insects can cause serious damage to your home, workplace and property. A home inspection can reveal the exact location of an infestation.

A carpenter ant colony can contain tens of thousands of ants. These large insects are capable of storing food for an extended period of time. They also use a formidable mandible to defend their nests. Carpenter ants can chew through a variety of wooden structures. They are also known for leaving traces of sawdust in walls. They can also create tunnels in wood to aid their colony.

The female carpenter ants select a location for their nest. They then begin to create tunnels. These tunnels can lead to an underground colony. During mating season, the reproductive ants emerge from the nest and mate.

After mating, the males die. The females then leave the colony to start a new one. The queen will lay eggs that will produce the next generation of ants. This process takes about two to five years. If the queen is still alive, the colony can survive for up to fifteen years.

Winged carpenter ants, like other ants, have two wings. The front wings are longer than the rear wings. The female ants will only leave a colony once they have become mature.

The winged carpenter ants are larger than normal carpenter ants. They also have a different coloration. Their bodies are shiny black and their waists are narrow.