
Why Do Ants Come in the House When It Rains?

During the rainy season, ants can invade homes and create an infestation. During rain, ants will seek out higher ground and food. Often, they will find their way into your home through cracks in the foundation, windows, pipes, and doors. If you do not want to deal with an ant infestation, sealing up these cracks can prevent them from entering your home.

Ants are a nuisance to have around. If you have an ant problem in your home, consider calling a pest control service. These professionals can provide you with months of protection.

Ants are very resourceful and can move quickly within homes. Often, they will find an unoccupied spot on the house and use it as their nest. They build signature mounds over shallow burrows and tunnel systems. When the weather turns hot or cold, ants will change their behavior to prepare for the changes. They may move along counters if a spilled sugar or food source attracts them.

During the rainy season, ants will seek water. They may try to access water inside of the home when water is scarce. They also search for water in higher ground. A heavy rain can flood their nests and push them out. The rain also destroys their nests. They will try to find a new home when the rain stops.

Ants are not trying to be pests. They are in search of food, water, and shelter. They are highly adapted to weather. In fact, they have survived rain for millions of years.