
Ants As a Good Source of Protein

Using ants as a source of protein is not a new concept. Many populations worldwide have been eating insects for centuries. Some populations use them as a side dish or dessert, while others consume them raw or cooked. The benefits of eating insects are many, and some believe that eating insects is an important part of an overall healthy lifestyle.

Ants are an environmental-friendly animal-based protein source. In fact, they can provide 25 to 60 percent of your daily protein requirements.

Although many people think ants are poisonous, there are many species that are safe to eat. They are also relatively easy to obtain. A 62-year-old diabetic man survived a week without water by eating live ants in the outback.

There are many different species of ants, and some species have a preference for one particular species over another. For instance, some species scavenge dead insects while others gather food from other colonies.

Ants are also very good at collecting information. They can learn about the best food sources by following pheromone trails. Some ants even switch between nutritionally imbalanced foods.

Using ants as a protein source is a smart move, especially since ants are a good source of several nutrients. They contain a good dose of fiber, for example. They also provide a small amount of formic acid.

However, it is not as clear whether eating ants will be beneficial to humans. Some ants have venom and other toxic substances. Some people have had allergic reactions to eating them.