
Why Do Ants Cause Problems in the Garden?

ants are important to the health of your garden. These tiny insects are beneficial to your plants because they aerate the soil and help remove excess organic material.

These tiny creatures are also known for their ability to disperse seed. Ants are important seed dispersers as they travel throughout the country to spread flowering plants. In eastern forests, ants disperse woodland spring wildflowers. They also play a role in the dispersal of trout lilies.

Ants are also known to be accidental pollinators. They are attracted to nectar-rich flowers. Some plants also provide ants with food rich in proteins. Some plants house ants in special structures.

Ants also carry water underground. They will also aerate the soil, which in turn will allow oxygen to reach the roots.

The benefits of ants in your garden are many. Besides being an effective scavenger, they also help reduce the number of smaller pests. Besides, some ants protect sap-sucking insects from predators.

Another benefit of ants in your garden is that they help aphids to produce a sticky substance. This substance is known as honeydew. This sticky substance can damage plants, so ants help to keep it at bay.

Some ants actually produce honeydew, which causes black sooty mold to grow on plants. Aside from helping to keep your plants healthy, ants will also destroy plants that attract them.

Ants also help to disperse seeds, which are a nice way to keep the garden free of pests. However, the true value of ants in your garden is their ability to attract beneficial insects.