
Why Are Red Ants Red in the UK?

Amongst the thousands of ant species in the world, ants are one of the most common insects. They are large and robust, with a variety of roles. They live in a highly structured community. They feed on other ants and other small insects. They also collect oily seeds from plants. They are able to inject poison into their prey.

The UK is home to seven species of Myrmica family ants. They are known for their deep red colour and their ability to deliver a mildly irritant sting. The majority of British ants live blameless lives underground, but they also invade homes and vegetable patches.

They live in colonies, with each colony having between 100 and 300 members. Their nests are made of materials such as needles, grass and twigs. They are also good scavengers, eating insects and arachnids.

They are often found in woodlands and parks. The ant’s brown body and red head are a good match for its environment. They also have good eyesight and forage far from their nests, collecting food from faraway places.

Lasius niger is a cosmopolitan ant, which can be found in most parts of the UK. It is a polygynous ant, which means that there are several queens in the nest at any given time. These queens are larger than the workers. They often deliver a painful sting.

Red ants are also known as fire ants. They use a poison called formic acid to inject into their prey. They also use their jaws as a means of attack. They can inject many stings in a short period of time. Their bite can cause a swollen, pus-filled mark. Some people can develop a serious reaction to their sting, known as myrmecophobia.