
Which Black Ants Have Wings?

Seeing a giant black ant with wings can be frightening. However, these wings are not genetic mutations. Instead, they are a signal of a nest nearby. It’s a good idea to get your home inspected by a professional if you find one.

The largest ant species found in Michigan are carpenter ants. These ants are large, with up to six legs. They are typically found in moist, decaying wood or in hollow trees. They feed on aphid honeydew and plant juices, as well as other insects. Carpenter ants can also be found in houses. They are attracted to excessive moisture conditions around doors and windows, leaky roof shingles, and showers.

They also like pet food. Carpenter ants have a thorax (body) that is evenly rounded and smooth. They also have a bulbous abdomen. The abdomen contains fine hairs.

Unlike termites, carpenter ants do not eat wood. Instead, they excavate galleries to breed and rear their young.

They are also attracted to excessive moisture conditions around bathtubs and showers. They also like to nest in a moist, decaying wood. They can nest in walls, basements, and under eaves.

Identifying a winged ant is the first step in an ant control plan. However, it’s also important to note that a winged ant is not a sign of a nest nearby. It’s also important to note that winged ants need certain conditions to leave their nest. These conditions include low winds and three to five days of rain.