
Which Ants Are Dangerous?

Among the thousands of ant species, some are harmful to humans and other animals. While most species are harmless, there are some that are very aggressive. These species can cause great damage to structures and the environment, and have a high risk of transmitting diseases and parasites.

There are three broad categories of ants that are considered dangerous. These include army ants, fire ants, and harvester ants.

These ants are aggressive, and if you get bitten by them, it will hurt. They use their venom to defend their nests. While some species sting only one time, others can sting several times, and can cause swelling and a burning sensation.

Those that are allergic to ants may experience a severe allergic reaction to their bite. Some people may also experience trouble breathing or suffer anaphylactic shock.

Fire ants are found all over the United States. They have a venom that is similar to a wasp sting. They sting in a circular pattern. This means that you can get multiple stings from a fire ant colony in a short period of time. The venom causes pain, swelling, and pus.

Fire ants can also be harmful to pets. Their venom is more harmful than that of honey bees. If you are allergic to fire ants, you may want to consider getting medical treatment. Fire ant venom is also a danger to children. Children are more susceptible to allergic reactions to ants because their immune systems are more sensitive.