
Where Does Red Ants Come From?

RIFA or red imported fire ant is a native species of South America. It has been imported to the United States from the 1930s. It has been found in 13 southern states.

Imported fire ants are known to be destructive to agricultural and ornamental plant industries. They can also cause damage to electrical equipment and farm machinery. Their sting is very painful. It carries venomous alkaloids.

These ants are able to travel long distances, sometimes up to twelve miles. They can spread from one colony to another. RIFA colonies usually contain hundreds of winged reproducers. They build their nests in soil. The mounds are typically built in sunny areas.

They are found in at least 75 of North Carolina’s 100 counties. They can also be found in isolated areas in western North Carolina.

Red imported fire ants are considered to be a major economic pest in the southeastern United States. They cause hundreds of millions of dollars in damage each year. The damage includes medical costs for stung humans. In addition, they can damage farm equipment, golf courses, street lights, and electrical wiring.

RIFA colonies are able to survive in extreme temperatures and conditions. They need water and moisture to survive. They are also attracted to electrical equipment. They can short circuit electrical lines and cause equipment failure.

Imported fire ants are currently under quarantine by the US Department of Agriculture. They are considered a miserable landscape pest. They can also cause significant damage to wildlife and livestock.