
Where Do Velvet Ants Live?

Besides being a pest, velvet ants are also parasitic on other insects. Velvet ants parasitize ground nesting beetles, wasps, and flies. They eat nectar from flowers and feed on the larvae of their host.

Velvet ants are not a threat to humans. However, they can sting if they get trapped, and this can cause painful stings. Velvet ants are not commonly found in the United States. However, they are found worldwide.

Velvet ants are a member of the family Mutillidae. This family has over 8,000 species worldwide. Most of these species live in the southern United States and in the western parts of North America. In the United States, most velvet ants live in the desert Southwest. VAs are primarily nocturnal, and occupy sandy-soiled fields. They also occupy cemeteries and lawns.

There are only 50 species of velvet ants found in the United States. The two species most common in the Southwest are the eastern velvet ant and the cow killer ant. These two species are referred to as cow killers because of their painful sting.

The female velvet ant has an exoskeleton that is very strong. It also has many defenses, such as a file-like surface and a tooth-like projection. These defenses are used to help the female ant travel across the ground.

When threatened, the velvet ant produces a squeaking sound. The squeaking sound is said to deter predators. If you are unsure of what type of ant is present, it is best to avoid areas that are infested with velvet ants.