
Where Do Ants With Wings Come From?

During the warmer months, you may have noticed flying ants in your home or yard. They are usually carpenter ants, but can also be termites. They look for light and moisture, and may swarm around lights or wood. They can also get into your home through cracks or a foundation hole.

They may also enter through your windows. They are often found in swarms, and can be a little intimidating. However, they will not hurt you.

Flying ants are not a genetic mutation. They are part of a normal mating cycle, which is referred to as swarming. Swarming is also an effective way to protect ants from predators.

In order for winged ants to swarm, they must have a warm temperature, a high humidity, and low winds. They must also have three to five days of rain. During this time, they can mate with other ants, or start new colonies.

If you see a swarm of winged ants in your home, you’re likely experiencing an infestation. In order to rid your home of flying ants, you will need to find the source. If you can’t, then you will need to call in a pest control professional.

You may also want to call in a pest control professional if you notice winged ants in your yard. This is because the winged ant swarm is a good indicator that there are more ants than you are aware of.

The winged ant swarms around the house, creating mating aggregations around structures such as chimneys, bushes, and trucks. It can also be found near your trash can.