
Where Do Ants Bite Humans?

Among the more than 12,000 species of ants in the world, there are more than 700 species in the United States. These ants are mostly harmless but can cause a painful reaction when they bite humans.

The best way to avoid ant bites is to be careful. A small foraging ant is unlikely to bite you unless you are handling it or stepping on it’s mound.

A severe ant bite may be painful and may also cause an allergic reaction. Some people are allergic to formic acid, a chemical found in ants. If you suspect that you may be allergic to ants, consult with your physician.

Ant bites can leave small scars. However, you can prevent this from happening by applying a bandage or gauze over the bite. You should also avoid scratching it as this can cause the blister to open and the infection to spread.

Often, ant bites will swell and turn into a white pus-filled blister. This blister can take several days to heal. The area may also develop a yellow crust.

Another symptom that you may want to look for is an itchy rash. If you have an ant bite infection, you should start treatment as soon as possible. You may need to take antibiotic cream or ice to stop the infection from spreading.

A small number of people are allergic to the venom in an ant bite and can suffer a severe allergic reaction. This reaction can cause dizziness, hoarseness, and hypotension. A severe reaction is life-threatening and should be treated immediately.