
What Should I Do About Ants in My House?

Having ants in your house can be a nuisance. However, there are ways to prevent ants from entering your home. You can seal cracks and holes, as well as put up a barrier to keep ants away from your home.

When ants are in your home, they are looking for food. Keeping your kitchen clean will help prevent ants from entering. You should also keep all food in airtight containers. You should also wipe down your kitchen surfaces and clean up spills as soon as possible. This will prevent ants from scavenging for food and feasting on crumbs.

When ants are in your house, you can get rid of them with a DIY method. You can use a combination of vinegar and water to create a homemade ant repellent. You can spray the solution in areas where ants are likely to enter your home.

Another way to get rid of ants is to use borax. This substance is odorless, and ants are less likely to avoid it. However, borax is a poison, so it should not be placed in areas that children or pets are likely to get to.

You can use an ant bait that controls both sweet and grease eating ants. However, you should make sure that the bait is geared toward ants’ tastes.

You can also spray the scent of cinnamon around your house to keep ants from noticing it. Ants don’t like the smell of cinnamon, so you might want to add a little essential oil to your cinnamon powder.