
What Can You Put Down to Prevent Ants?

Keeping a clean home is one way to prevent ants. However, there are also several natural remedies to help get rid of them.

Citrus peels are an effective ant repellent. You can add the peels to water to make a spray or mix the peels with vinegar to create an ant deterrent.

Another ant deterrent is table salt. You can sprinkle salt around your home to discourage ants from staying there. You can also put down a cup over your kitchen sink drain to keep ants out of your house.

Cayenne pepper is also effective at keeping ants away. However, be careful with this remedy because cayenne is not only dangerous to pets, but it can also cause health issues.

Borax, which is a common household chemical compound, can also be used as an ant deterrent. However, be careful not to leave it out in areas where children may be able to access it.

Another effective natural remedy is cinnamon. In addition to its scent, cinnamon can also discourage ants from seeking food. It is also a good way to keep your house smelling fresh.

Tea tree oil is another effective essential oil. In addition to its insecticidal effects, it also helps to keep your skin healthy. You can apply it directly to ants or disperse it through an oil burner.

Cornmeal is another effective ant deterrent. It can be purchased at a garden center or nursery. However, it takes time to work.