
What Can I Use to Kill Ants That is Safe For Pets?

Using natural ant killers is a safe and effective way to keep ants away from your home. Several natural repellents are safe for pets, and many of the common preventative solutions also include pet-friendly ingredients.

One of the most common natural insect repellents is peppermint oil. It can be purchased at your local grocery store, or you can order it online. The oil contains citronella, which is a natural insect repellent.

Another natural repellent is cinnamon essential oil. You can use it to spray on windows and cracks, or sprinkle it outside. The essential oil has a strong smell, which ants dislike.

Another natural insect repellent is brewed coffee grounds. Place them on windowsills, and leave them in areas where ants tend to congregate. Coffee is a very potent deterrent, but it can lose its potency if left dry.

You can also use boric acid. This is a white powdered solid material that is used in pesticides. Small amounts of boric acid are considered non-toxic to pets. But it can cause stomach upset in dogs, and should be kept away from children.

Another natural insect repellent is rosemary oil. This oil can be purchased at your local health food store. Adding a few drops to water can help prevent ants from finding their way into your home.

Diatomaceous earth is another natural pest repellent. It is a white powdered material made up of fossilized shells of microscopic water-borne creatures. It sticks to the exoskeleton of ants, causing them to dehydrate.