
What Ants Are Dangerous?

Almost all of the 12,500 species of ants in the world have a place in the ecosystem, but some are more dangerous than others. Some have venom, while others are just harmless. In addition, some ants can damage your health and your home.

Luckily, most species of ants are harmless, but you can still be bitten by one. Those with venom can cause serious injury and even death. Some species can carry pathogens such as Clostridium, which can cause tetanus.

One of the most dangerous species is the carpenter ant. These pests chew tunnels through wooden structures. They also damage crops. When disturbed, the ants swarm, which can cause injury or even death.

The most important thing to know about ants is that they have a place in the ecosystem. They live along side humans, making them part of a highly organized society. They are closely related to bees and wasps. They also have venom-laden stings.

If you have any doubts about the value of ants in the environment, you should know that ants were around for millions of years. They evolved from wasp-like ancestors over 66 million years ago. They’re now found all over the world except for Antarctica.

In the United States, you may be surprised to learn that there are over a dozen species of ants, including the green tree ant and the red imported fire ant. These insects are native to South and Southeast America, but they were accidentally introduced to the US in the 1930s.