
What Ants Are Attracted To

Several types of ants are attracted to certain food items. They are also attracted to certain plants. The ants are primarily attracted to sugars and carbohydrates. They also love to feed on proteins. The ants can be found in outdoor spaces as well as indoors. Using some natural repellents and maintaining proper hygiene can help keep the ants away.

Sugar ants are the most common indoor ants. They like to stay close to stained surfaces. They also like to be near greasy surfaces. They can also be found in dark corners. The ants have a very strong sense of smell.

The scent of decaying bananas is strong and attracts ants. The scent of cat urine is also quite strong. The scent of menstrual blood also attracts ants. The ants may also be attracted to dead matter. They will use the waste material as a food source.

Other species of ants are scavengers. They prefer to live in damp wood. They also like to eat decaying food and insects.

Other plants that attract ants are aphids, lady’s slipper, desert willow, and alpine nailwort. These plants have glandular fruits that attract ants.

In addition, certain species of ants like to live in mulch. They also like to live under leaf litter. If your house is surrounded by leaves, it’s a good idea to use barrier materials or shrubs to keep the ants away.

Ants are also attracted to sweet scents. If you have fruit-scented candles or food scented sprays, they may be attracted to them.