
Types of Ants With Wings

Generally, there are two types of ants with wings – reproductive ants and non-reproductive wingless ants. Reproductive ants are the females who care for the colony’s young, lay eggs and mate. These females then turn into queens. They can live for years. They are a significant problem if left untreated.

Reproductive ants take flight during mating season, which is usually around June through September. They can fly as far as 100 miles.

During mating season, most ant species have reproductive queens that fly away from the colony to find mates. These queens are larger than other ants. They are also more sexually mature. This helps them to find mates. The queens mate with males and then tear off their wings.

The winged ants are usually carpenter ants. They can have black, red, or brown bodies. They are usually found in damp wood or in colonies in a damp wood.

Unlike many species of ants, these ants do not attack humans. Rather, they are mostly interested in mating. This does not mean that they are more dangerous. They can still bite if they are threatened.

These ants are often confused with termites. They look similar, but termites have larger wings. They can live in wood, soil, and even in homes. They are often found in the southern United States.

These ants are usually harmless, but it is important to know that they can bite. Unlike most species of ants, they have a stinger. Unlike many species of ants, they can be found in homes.