
Should I Hire an Exterminator For Ants?

Whether you have a single colony of ants or an infestation that is spreading, hiring an exterminator can help. A professional can assess your home, remove ants, and provide advice on how to prevent future infestations.

Depending on the size of your home, a single treatment can cost anywhere from $40 to several hundred dollars. If your ant problem is severe, you may have to make several appointments to keep the pests under control.

The cost of an ant treatment will depend on the size of your home and the type of ants you have. In general, larger homes have higher costs. Larger homes also require more time and effort on the part of the exterminator.

Professional ant exterminators use more powerful insecticides to kill ants. They also have a lot of experience removing ants from homes. They know how to handle dangerous chemicals, place traps, and seal entrances to keep the ants from returning.

A pest control service will typically perform services on a quarterly basis. This will usually cost you between $30 and $100 per month. The company will also place an insecticide barrier in your home every month. If you decide to make a quarterly commitment, you may even get a call-back guarantee.

For an annual contract, you can pay as little as half the price of a quarterly service. Many larger companies will also offer a call-back guarantee, which is a guarantee that they will return to your home to make quarterly applications.